The major function of the House Corporation for the Phi Gamma Delta Chapter at DePauw University (Lambda Corporation) is to represent the owners (the graduate members) of the house and grounds (assets) in all matters pertaining to the safe and healthy use by the undergraduate members of the chapter living on the premises.

To accomplish this, Lambda Corporation is directed to take responsibility for assuring that the assets comply with all federal, state, local, and university regulations pertaining to operating a residential fraternity house.

The functions of the House Corporation fall into three categories – Corporate/Fiduciary, General Operations, and Financial.



  • Report annually to the graduate members of the chapter on the financial and physical condition of their assets.
  • Conduct an annual meeting for the purposes of reporting the status of the assets and to elect House Corporation officers.
  • Meet at least annually with the undergraduate chapter to explain House Corporation functions and operations.
  • File state and federal filings on time.
  • Provide adequate insurance for the assets.


  • Conduct regular inspections of the house and property.
  • Conduct House Corporation meetings at the assets’ location.
  • Conduct house opening and closing procedures.
  • Hire necessary personnel to assist in the management of the assets.
  • Hire necessary personnel to repair and maintain the assets.
  • Cooperate with the undergraduate chapter and Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA) in helping determine the appropriate use, care, and improvements of the assets.


  • Develop and maintain an annual budget for the assets.
  • Develop an annual lease amount and housing contract to be presented to the undergraduate chapter for approval.
  • Assist in fundraising efforts pertaining to the financial and physical condition of the assets.
  • Provide House Corporation financial reports on a regular basis.


Chairman – Doug Mitchell ’70
Vice Chairman – George Lortz ’62
House Director – Orlando Ramirez ’13
Treasurer – Russ LaMore ’88
Secretary – Tim Zaletel ’15
At-Large – Jay Moore ’74
At-Large – John Axelberg ’83
At-Large – Peter Fellegy ’05
At-Large – Steve Jacobs ’71
At-Large – Wade Nichols ’72
At-Large – Paul Qua ’82

House Director – Orlando Ramirez ‘13

Brother Orlando Ramirez is a Tiger through and through. Since graduating from DePauw’s School of Music in 2013, Orlando has been working in the admissions office, recruiting for the university, and serving as the Chapter’s Purple Legionnaire for several years running. “I was excited to see the house director position open up as it gave me an opportunity to further engage with the brothers in a meaningful way.”

As House Director, Orlando is working with Jennifer Hammond to ensure the house is a safe, welcoming, nurturing, and fun environment. He says, “As the nation navigates issues like the pandemic and political upheaval, anyone could succumb to feelings of helplessness and anxiety, especially our students who’ve decided to live on campus this year.

Throw in strict university policies and guidelines, and students can end up feeling isolated even though physically, they may not be. I think the most challenging part of the job will be helping brothers understand that this, too, will pass and that they’re not alone. On the other hand, it’s rewarding when you see brothers decide to be a positive influence in spite of the circumstances. I’ve been proud of how much the brothers have proved to be responsible and understanding of what’s at stake.”

About his time as a Lambda FIJI Undergrad, Orlando says he has a ton of great memories. “My most memorable times were spent hanging out in small groups, watching TV, and talking with guys until the very late hours. That said, I think bid night all four years brought me the greatest joy. Obviously, there was a lot of joy as we welcomed a new group of guys to the house―and nothing can top Midnight Song.”