Make a gift online. This option allows for a one-time donation, as well as monthly or annual recurring donations via credit card.
Call our toll-free Donation Hotline at: 607-882-0417 to make your contribution by phone.
For gifts amounting to less than $1,000, send a check made out to Lambda Corporation to our donation processing center listed below. Make sure to include a memo with your name and graduation year. Dues contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.
Phi Gamma Delta
DePauw University
Graduate Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 876
Ithaca, NY 14851-0876
For tax deductible gifts in excess of $1,000, please mail checks payable to The Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation to the address below and be sure to designate your donation for the Lambda Chapter House Educational Fund.
Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation
1201 Red Mile Road, P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
To donate appreciated stock, required minimum distribution, charitable gifts funds, or estate gifts, please contact Will Shier, Chief Financial Officer of the Foundation, at 859-255-1848.