Da’Jeal Willaby-Partee
“My name is Da’Jeal Willaby-Partee, and I am from Chicago, Illinois. I am a Bonner Scholar, I majored in Neuroscience, and I minored in Biochemistry. I am preparing for the MCAT and I am exploring the possibility of working for a Traumatic Brain Injury clinic. In my time at Fiji, I served as the Philanthropy Chairman, President, and most recently as a New Member Educator. FIJI was the support system I needed to navigate my college career. I never felt a need to be a part of the in crowd but a community by which I felt challenged to succeed, unconditionally accepted, and comfortable enough to ask for help was what I found in FIJI. Growing up with a scarcity of male role models, I turned to my brothers when faced with the question of what kind of man I wanted to be. Through all the hardships, hilarious late night conversations, fundamental disagreements, study sessions that lasted long after sunrise, and memories I wouldn’t trade for all the riches in the world, I knew the kind of man I wanted to be. A man who shares the wisdom he has gathered from his past failures with those close to him to ensure they do not make the same mistakes. A man who seeks to better himself and those who support him. A man who smiles in the face of academic hardship and welcomes the learning opportunity. I strive to be a Phi Gam Man.”